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« Il n'y a pas de bonnes habitudes. L'habitude, c'est une façon de mourir sur place. »
Albert Quentin - Un singe en hiver

Cycling India, day 1: India is flat!

10 Dec 2013 | Auroville to Tiruvannamalai - 115km


It's 6am when I leave. Perfect time for the little magic trick of disappearing. I didn't say anyone I was leaving, except Lydie and her daughter Oriane so they could sort out a few stuff for me. Well I hadn't really plan on leaving anyway. I throw everything on my bike and start cycling. After an hour, I stop and get my stuff organized a little so I could really get somewhere.
The plan is very basic: I'm 65km from Gingee, so I can cycle there and probably arrive by the evening, totally exhausted, before I ditch the cycle and continue some other way...

But it doesn't happen that way. I reach Gingee by 10.30am. It has been a pleasant ride, I'm nothing like tired. All the way was really flat, no obstacle. My cycle has been doing well, despite the left pedal which gets stuck every now and then (I had try to repair it the day before, no success apparently).
So it's decided, I'll continue cycling. I take my cycle to the doctor, get the broken pedal changed, also add a rear-view mirror (best invention ever!!) and a cute white-pink-green horn which is much more efficient than the ring. Buy her some flower and back on the road
I first stop at Gingee's famous fort to have a look at a reduced price, and continue to Tirunvannamalai. I end up with the night some 15km after it. 115km for a first day, not bad!

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