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« Il n'y a pas de bonnes habitudes. L'habitude, c'est une façon de mourir sur place. »
Albert Quentin - Un singe en hiver

Un singe en hiver

15 Feb 2013 | Le Plan, France


Un magnifique film de 1962 que m'a fait découvrir Adrien lors de mon dernier passage à Vienne.

Anniversaire de Tom

3 Feb 2013 | La Tour d'Aigues, Luberon, France


De passage à Paris, je me laisse convaincre par Momo pour passer le weekend dans le Sud-Est à l'occasion de l'anniversaire de Tom. On descend donc tous les deux jusqu'à Avignon chez Vanessa (record du Paris-Avignon en stop, on a changé de chauffeur au milieu car le premier commençait à fatiguer à force de rouler à 180 ;) ), puis on rejoint la Tour d'Aigues pour la fête. Le lendemain on affronte le vent pour visiter quelques villages des environs.

Les abeilles

31 Jan 2013 | Paris, France


Vu dans le metro parisien :
« Les abeilles vivent paradoxalement mieux dans les villes que dans les campagnes, où elles sont soumises à l'influence de nombreux pesticides. »
Signé par le Ministère de l'Environnement. Ils expliquent donc que ça serait mieux d'exposer les abeilles à la pollution urbaine plutôt que de réduire (éliminer !) les pesticides qui les tuent dans nos campagnes ??! Ça me débecte !


30 Jan 2013 | Laon, France


After a easy day hitchhiking out of sunny Germany (even got the legendary pork truck, trying not to breathe for a few hundreds kilometers), as soon as I crossed the border I got heavy rain, grumpy drivers that don't want to take me... So to enjoy the North more, I decide to pay a visit to Mary in Laon. Picardie, such a great place to live... :D


27 Jan 2013 | Berlin, Germany


I have to go back West somehow, first step: Berlin! Leaving Sopot shortly before sunset, it was a crazy hitchhiking night, standing at night in the middle of nowhere on the side of empty roads, but still made it to Germany (had to sleep 60km from Berlin). The following day it was easy to reach the city, where I stayed with Gawelle, good old friend, long time no see :)
Berlin is an interesting city, I enjoyed a quick visit to the famous abandoned park Spreepark, met tons of interesting people... Too short time for now, I've to explore it more next time.


22 Jan 2013 | Sopot, Polska


Being in eastern Europe I could just pay a visit to Marta, traveller friend met in Dublin. She happens to live in Sopot, between Gdańsk and Gdynia on the Baltic sea. Good occasion to share a lot of travel stories, and future plans!


20 Jan 2013 | Warszawa, Polska


Being in Wien, Warszawa is like a suburb, so why no visit my friends over there?
But well, wasn't the best moment as it was exams session for all the students, so no much time to share with friends (Polish people being either students or living abroad ;) ).


16 Jan 2013 | Wien, Austria


Going down from the mountains I thought, instead of just going to Paris, I could first pay a quick visit to Adrien & Anna in Wien before they go to New Caledonia for holidays, I'm 'almost' halfway from there anyway!

Visas requirements for holders of a French passport

11 Jan 2013 | Vienna, Austria


For a while I was looking for something like this, didn't find it so I finally did it myself.
For people like me who always spend hours searching if they need a visa to travel or transit to a specific country, here is the compiled IATA information in a single file.
Here it is: MS Excel version PDF version

Nouvel an dans les Vosges

4 Jan 2013 | Rouge Gazon, Alsace, France


New year party: one week in the refuge de la Haute-Bers, a small wooden hut in the Vosges mountain. Some 15 of us, plus 50 passing-by during the weeks: locals, hikers, tourists, foreigners, travelers, children, retired, young, old... So much to share and to enjoy! Happy new year everyone, lot of adventures, travels, joy and love!!!