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« Il n'y a pas de bonnes habitudes. L'habitude, c'est une façon de mourir sur place. »
Albert Quentin - Un singe en hiver

Day 2: Wish it, have it!

11 Dec 2013 | Tiruvannamalai to Krishnagiri - 105km


Again I start with sunrise, to take advantage of the morning freshness. The road is quite bad, and made of small hills which makes it more complicated... Some mountains appears around to give some bits of landscape which is enjoyable.

It feels like that day is blessed: early morning I feel like having a tea, and suddenly a tea stand appears at the side of the road. Then I'd like a coconut, and the coconut man is here waiting for me. A cheap plate of rice, right here! After lunch, when the heat is getting hard, I'm thinking that it would be great to find a place where to swim, ideally there would be children already swimming there so I know that it's safe place... And there it comes, children call my from the roadside and it's time for a bath! That day I also discover the sugar cane juice, I don't know how I could have survived all these years not knowing of its existence!

In the evening I reach the motorway, it will be only that to Bangalore and even further, so I'd better make friend with it. But it's actually ok, the road is good, not too much traffic coming frontward, and it's not so busy so I have room to cycle.

105km completed that day. I find a perfect place to sleep soon, but just after sunset two men came and told me that I can't sleep here (apparently there are hunters...) and try to direct me to an hotel. Seeing they won't get much luck there, they tell me I can sleep under the water tank a bit farther away. But I didn't understand so I have a perfect night sleeping on the top of it, under the stars!